vendredi 23 octobre 2015

I saw the end before we’d began

     From the day I started  breathing  I met a bunch  of people . Some of them stayed  , some of them barely made any impression , some of them left me broken , and some of  them ended the relationship no matter how hard  I tried  to save it .
The thing is: people walk away from you life  when it’s time . Whether they chose that or not   . Life has always been planed and who knows maybe it wouldn’t work anyway .
This is why I’ll admit one of my biggest insecurities:  I don’t do big steps   . Even if   it’s obviously imminent in the future I’ve always had in mind that things always come to an end .  (I know it’s terrible ) and I struggle with my own thoughts every day  . let alone all the  nonsense distractions I created . But do I make sense here does it at least feel a bit right to let the days go  since  I’m  too  panicked about what the future might hide for me  . Wondering if the step  I would make will make it any worse .
So it’s always about the future , i’ve always made decision because I was scared of tomorrow  .But they say if your dreams don’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough. 
    I know that i  MUST be optimistic but i           never achieve that shit.. :/ 

          Dear future ,
Do you know that I screwed up not one time not two , loads of times because of you
Do you know that you scare the shit outta me
Do you know that I lost so many things because I’ m not sure what you’re hiding
Would I be happy at least
Would I make it to my dream job
Would I even meet the person that will make me happy for the rest of my life
God help me to beat that future and make them all true !

    Does anyone  feel the same way  . I would love love loooooove to hear stories about  people who read my blog .  Believe  me when I tell you  that i hesitated a lot before writing this,  but I did it anyway I felt like I would explodeif I don’t  .  
Love you all
Good night xxxxx

vendredi 9 octobre 2015

Natural Beauty !


     Before eyebrows  on fleek , Kylie Jenner  challenge , Kim kardashian’s body , eyebrows were just eyebrows , full lips weren’t even seen as something charming , curves wasn’t something you celebrate having . But everything took another path or rather say the wrong path . 

    Back to the time when girls weren’t making so much effort to look pretty or buy mega expensive products to feel comfortable  . I’m not blaming the girls because let’s face it . I’m one of them beauty wasn’t handed to me in a silver platter, or not,  ( okey I’m a little bit  exaggerating lol ). The point is : Beauty was so much easier, yes I know makeup may give you an instant pleasure and confidence about the way you look . But , don’t you think it’s all fake , can’t you see that it changes who you are , let’s give the example of contouring  ,give the devil his due ,it’s maaaaaaaaaaaaaaagic and sooo helping HOWEVER  I don’t see the point of changing a chubby face it’s cute .
 The reason why I’m writing this is because I know it’s not easy to be a girl  , and most girls don’t feel comfortable about  themselves whether they admit it or not . Being a girl  is a lot of hard work .  So  using makeup isn’t wrong , what is terrible is  hating what you see before putting that mask on or after taking it off  . Makeup has been helping some girls to go through a difficult time, but  until now it could NoT  beat the natural beauty . My mother always says thank your body by eating healthy  , not putting something on it . It’s  because I hate vegetables and I’m always putting masks of natural things for a better skin (girl’s story ) so she gets angry . The reason why I’m always like “mom you have to  know that skin can absorb anything you put on it” . Unfortunately,  same goes for makeup this is why you should make sure that you take it off before sleeping to let your skin breath (Hint hint)  . So girls drink a lot of water , eat fruits and vegetables for a better skin (cliché but totally true) . And most importantly feel good about yourself the way you are . Each girl has her own beauty  that she should not hide  .let’s be natural , classy and pretty .

Love you all